Where Do I Vote?
the next election is the primary Election on
Nov. 5, 2024
The last day to register before the next election is
0n Oct. 21, 2024
In Pennsylvania,
polls are open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm
It is now easy to vote by mail. Click here to apply for a ballot.
Lansdowne Voting Precincts

The place you go to vote (your polling place) is based on where you live in Lansdowne. Find your home on this precinct map of Lansdowne. Then use your precinct to find your polling place in this list.

1st Precinct Twentieth Century Club, 84 S. Lansdowne Ave.
2nd Precinct Penn Wood High School, Essex Ave. entrance
3rd Precinct Penn Wood High School, Essex Ave. entrance
4th Precinct Penn Wood High School, Essex Ave. entrance
5th Precinct Ardmore Ave. School, Ardmore Ave. between Essex and Berkley
6th Precinct Ardmore Ave. School, Ardmore Ave. between Essex and Berkley
7th Precinct Penn Wood High School, Essex Ave. entrance
8th Precinct Penn Wood High School, Essex Ave. entrance
9th Precinct Pepper Pharmacy, East Plumstead Ave. near Union Ave.
10th Precinct Twentieth Century Club, 84 S. Lansdowne Ave.
11th Precinct Ardmore Ave. School, Ardmore Ave. between Essex and Berkley